Lines and Circles


God is everything, everywhere, in everyone. All beings and non-beings, seen and unseen, are God-manifest, and therefore Divine, Perfect, Innately Good, and Capable of All Things of God’s Will.  We are One – eternally living in temporary illusions of dualism, so that We might come to know and experience all facets of self expression & emotion, every quality of the God-Source.

In this Truth:

I recognize that all things are worked for Good.

I acknowledge miracles and magic everywhere, in all things.

I no longer have anything to fear, not even death.

I am never alone.

There is beauty in chaos, in paradox. All experience is both linear and cyclical. The natural world around us reveals in many ways who we are, why we are, what has been, and what is to come. Signs and Symbols are everywhere. We need only to look for them.

For many, these concepts are foreign, or difficult to grasp. They believe it to be of the occult, heresy, from Satan. They have closed ears and closed eyes. They are asleep.

Heaven and Hell are real, but not in the way most understand. They are here, they are now, but not in the physical. Rather, they are higher and lower levels of consciousness.  The better we understand Love and Truth, and draw toward Source, the more we find Heaven Within. Conversely, moving away from Source, away from Love and Truth, the more we find Hell Within. Thus, it is Right-Thinking and Right-Doing that leads one to a state of Heaven.

Many have shown the Way: Christ, Buddha, Gandhi, Zoroaster, Baha’u’llah, and so on. Few have opened their eyes, and truly seen. Fortunately we have many incarnations, and therefore many opportunities to realize this Truth.

There are no barriers but the ones we create for ourselves. And most importantly, there is NO sin, only wrong-thinking.

My question is:

Now that Truth has made itself known in me, how do I proceed?